Dear Team,
For tag master, one improvement required.
In Client section there is a column for Tags but while clicking on the filter button, there is no dropdown of created tags. As No one remembers all the tags in mind. It should have dropdown which shows a created tag list so anyone can filter on dashboard from available tags.
We suggest kinldy give Mutual Fund transaction and Share & Bond transaction report in excel & PDF format show in MInt
We Want Portfolio Snapshot Year wise from inception to till date in client section
Tag management should include addition and deletion of clients into TAGs. Current screen will help to create / modify / delete tag whereas crux of tag usage lies in the setting-up (and updating) tags with client list.
Prashant Verma
Welcome to Investwell Release Notes. We are pleased to inform you about the updates being made to our software this week.
Read through and stick around till the end to know about the exciting changes made
by us just for you.
Feature Updates
Introducing Tag Master:-
With the latest release, we are introducing Tag Master. This allows advisors to create and manage various tags, enabling them to categorise and monitor clients accordingly. These tags can then be used to filter clients in the client finder.
The Tag Master simplifies the creation and segmentation of the tags created by the advisor.
To Create a Tag:
Login to Investwell
Dashboard > Setting > Investor Tag Master >
Improved EUIN Remediation Report Management:-
We have updated the management of EUIN Remediation data when no file is received in the scheduled order email. Previously, the existing data could not be deleted unless the latest file was successfully imported. To resolve this, we have introduced a new column with a delete button, allowing users to manually delete existing EUIN Remediation data.
Where to Find:-
Login to Investwell:
Dashboard > Data Management > Compliance Report > EUIN Remediation
Improvement in Compliance Report: Folio Without Nominee:-
We have enhanced the Folio Without Nominee section of the Compliance Report. Previously, the report included folios with Joint Holders and Anyone or Survivor as nominees. Now, we have updated the report to exclude these cases, ensuring that it only highlights folios without a nominee.
This improvement provides a more accurate and focused report, helping advisors quickly identify folios that don’t have nominees.
To View Compliance Report:
Login to Investwell
Dashboard > Data Management > Compliance Report > Folio Without Nominee
Update in Portfolio Rebalancing Report:-
The Portfolio Rebalancing Report has been updated to reflect the Calculated Gain after rebalancing and has now been adjusted according to the latest tax regime.
This update ensures the accuracy of gains after rebalancing, is aligned with the current tax regulations, and offers a more precise overview for advisors and investors.
Where to Find:
Login to Investwell:
Investor Dashboard > Report > Portfolio Rebalancing
Download the Editable Common Transaction Form from the Investor Portal:-
With the latest release, we have introduced a new functionality in the Investor Portal. Investors can now directly download an editable Common Transaction Form, which was previously available only in the Advisor Portal.
This update enhances convenience for investors by providing direct editable access to the form.
Where to Find:
Login to Investwell:
Investor Dashboard > Report > Portfolio Valuation > SOA > Download
Login to Investwell:
Investor Dashboard > Report > Portfolio Summary > Click Folio Number > Download
Login to Investwell:
Investor Dashboard > My Folio > SOA icon> Download
Login to Investwell:
Investor Dashboard > Invest Online NSE, BSE, MFU >Additional Transaction > Download > Folio Number > Download
Factsheet On-Screen Mobile Responsive:-
With the latest release, the Factsheet On-Screen page has been optimised for mobile responsiveness.
This ensures a seamless viewing experience on mobile web view, allowing users to access and interact with the Factsheet efficiently on smaller screens.

Introducing SSO Redirection to Create IIN/UCC/CAN:-
We have introduced a new parameter in the Get SSO Token API, allowing users to be redirected to create IIN/UCC/CAN after a successful SSO.
Create IIN, UCC, CAN
Bugs Resolved
Quartile Ranking Not Updating Correctly in Watchlist:-
Issue Reported:
A user reported a bug in the Quartile Ranking displayed in the Historical Changes section of the Watchlist. The ranking was not being updated correctly.
Issue Resolved:
Our development team has rectified the bug. The Quartile Ranking and the Color Codes in the Historical Changes section is now updated accurately, ensuring correct information is displayed in the Watchlist.
Where to Find:
Login to Investwell
Investor Dashboard > Watchlist > Historical Change
CAN Creation Error:-
Issue Reported:
A bug was found in CAN creation where, after creating the CAN and verifying it on the MF Utility portal, some details were displayed as blank.
Issue Resolved:
Our development team identified the issue as an incorrect country code being sent during the process. The bug has been resolved, and the details now appear correctly on the MF Utility portal.
To Create CAN:
Login to Investwell
Dashboard > Invest Online MFU > Profile List > Create CAN
Transaction Statement PDF Showing Incorrect Purchase Outstanding:-
Issue Reported:
The transaction statement PDF where the Purchase Outstanding was displayed incorrectly for segregated folios.
Issue Resolved:
The transaction statement PDF now accurately reflects the Purchase Outstanding for segregated folios.
To Download Transaction Statement in PDF:
Login to Investwell
Investor Dashboard > Transactions > PDF Icon
Issue with SIP Mining Report - Incorrect Frequency Displayed:-
Issue Reported:
In the SIP Mining report, where some SIP frequencies that were intended to be fortnightly were incorrectly displayed as quarterly due to internal mapping issues.
Issue Resolved:
The SIP frequencies are now accurately displayed in the report.
Where to Find:
Login to Investwell
Dashboard > Business Analytics > SIP Mining
Issue with Incorrect Transaction Type Displayed in Mint:-
Issue Reported:
The transactions performed as "Switch In" were incorrectly displayed as "SIP" in Mint due to incorrect mapping.
Issue Resolved:
Now the transaction types will be correctly displayed throughout the Mint software.
Where to Find:
Login to Investwell
Investor Dashboard > Transactions>
Issue with Client Creation:-
Issue Reported:
An issue was reported during client creation. While filling in the personal information and attempting to save, an error message of "Something went wrong" appeared.
Issue Resolved:
The issue no longer occurs, and client creation works as expected.
To Create New Client:
Login to Investwell
Dashboard > Clients > Create New Investor
Issue with Editing Asset Name for Other Assets:-
Issue Reported:
The users were unable to edit the asset name for creating other assets.
Issue Resolved:
This issue is now resolved, Users can now successfully edit the names of the assets.
To Create Manual Transactions for Other Assets or Edit Existing Ones:
Login to Investwell
Dashboard > Data Management > Create Transaction > Other Asset
Create Asset
Edit Exiting One
Aadhaar Link Missing Compliance Report Issue:-
Issue Reported:
In the Aadhaar Link Missing Compliance report. The report was incorrectly including records where the tax status was NRE or NRO.
Issue Resolved:
Our development team has updated the code, and now the report will exclude entries with tax status codes NRE and NRO.
To View Aadhar Link Missing Compliance Report:
Login to Investwell
Data Management > Compliance Report > Aadhar Link Missing >
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