Mint Release Note dated 30/03/2023

Please find below the list of features implemented from our end with the necessary screenshots of the path.

  1. Edit IIN : We have launched the edit IIN feature. This will help the user to edit the details of an existing active IIN from Investwell mint. The details of IIN will be auto updated overnight, once approved from NSE.

Steps to be Followed:

Login to Mint >> Invest Online NSE >> profile List >> search IIN >> Action >> Edit IIN


  1. Aadhar Pan Link Missing Report : We have launched an Aadhar Pan Link Missing report for users to identify which clients are pending to link their Aadhar with PAN and take action accordingly.

Steps to be Followed:

Login to Mint >> Data Management >> Compliance report >> Aadhar Link Missing

  1. ELSS Report from App : We have made modifications in the app to download only ELSS schemes in the PDF report instead of the whole portfolio.

Steps to be followed : 

Login to Mint App >> Select Investor >> Menu >> ELSS Investment >> Download Button on top right corner


  1. MFU - Nominee Verification : We have updated the Nominee Details section of MFU. Here, there are 3 radio buttons provided. The data will be forwarded to MFU on the basis of your selection. The buttons are explained below:

Yes : This will allow you to enter the nominee details of the CAN. Once you finish filling all the details of CAN and click on submit, MFU will send a nominee verification link to the CAN holder’s mail ID.

No : This will indicate that you do not want to update a nominee in the CAN and wil forward to information accordingly.

No, but verify later : In this option users can skip out the nominee details while creating CAN. They will have an option to add the nominee details while placing their first order from MFU. This particular feature is still under development from MFU’s end.


  1. Quantity Column in Portfolio Screener : In portfolio screener we have added a quantity column under the shares section when you generate the excel report scrip wise. This will help the user to understand the balance quantity of a particular scrip.

Steps to be followed:

Login to Mint >> Portfolio Screener >> Shares >> Scrip wise >> view type - excel >> Apply.











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  1. Folios without Nominee : We have modified the folio without nominee to show data only when nominee 1 and nominee 2 details are missing. In folios where the nominee is opted out, those will not be considered in the folios without nominee report. This will help the user to get correct information regarding folios wherein the nominee is not available.

Steps to generate report:

Login to Mint >> Data Management >> Compliance report >> Folios without Nominee.


  1. Direct vs Regular report - Portfolio Expense ratio :  We have updated the Weighted average Expense Ratio of the entire Portfolio of schemes.

Steps to generate report:

Login to Mint  >> Business Analytics >> Direct vs Regular Savings.


  1. Update Mobile Number in client Master : For new clients created via NSE Sync we have started updating their contact details in client profile along with other profile details in the clients menu section.

  1. Clients Menu - Date of Death : We have provided a new menu to update the date of death of the clients. Once the date is updated the client will be auto disabled from emails so that no communication is sent to them.

Steps to be followed:

Login to Mint >> Clients >> Edit profile >> Personal Information >> update date of death >> save.


1 Comment

issues are with IIN modification. 

Request you check again output file( after modification). Datas are changed which are not modified. 

Request you to  pause this feature and do necessary correction

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