Product Updates dated 17.10.2022

  New Release

1. Allocation Analysis - We are now showing the allocation analysis report on a single screen and added an excel export option where you can download all sections of this report as separate excel sheets.

2. Create CAN in MFU - As per the new SEBI regulation we have implemented the following changes for joint and nominee declaration from our end.


A) We will be sending nominee opted details to MFU based on the nominee details entered. If entered, we will send NOMINEE OPTED as Y; if not, we will send it as N.


B) Nominee authentication will be sent via email to each holder. We have added email and mobile declarations with contact details. These fields are mandatory if the holding nature is Joint and Anyone or Survivor.

C) We can add more than 1 nominee detail and if the nominee is minor then additional fields such as Nominee Guardian name, Guardian relation, and nominee guardian date of birth are mandatory.

D) If the tax status is selected as On Behalf of Minor there also we have added email and mobile declarations with contact details and guardian name, guardian relation, and guardian date of birth.

The above changes are also included in Investor Registration for Online Transaction in MFU.

  Minor Release

1. Redesigning of Forms - We have improved the UI of Forms by showing only the necessary fields so that you can download the required form. Now you can check the rest of the prefilled details by clicking on the View Form fields.

2. Scheme Factsheet - We have done the following changes in Scheme Factsheet

A) Modified the composition section and added 2 more Gold and Global equity categories.

B) Showing sector-wise analysis apart from holding-wise.

Both changes will be reflected in the On-Screen and PDF report  

3. PMS Improvements - We have added 4 new providers for which now you can get the Portfolio Appraisal/Portfolio Factsheet Report of a PMS strategy entered in Investwell in real-time.

The 4 providers are :

  1. Tamohara


  3. Unifi

  4. Whiteoak

4. Tax status as NRI while creating UCC - We have added a holding pattern of Joint and Anyone or Survivor when the tax status of an investor is NRI while creating UCC.

5. Addition of Sender name to emails - While setting up the Email configuration using Gmail / Google workspace email Id, we are now showing the sender’s name in the client’s inbox for emails sent through the above option only.

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