Your investors would usually like to view their investments as a family. This is because an Individual salaried person can invest in Mutual Funds on behalf of their wife, children etc.

In Mint, we can group a number of investors together to form a Family account to give a consolidated view of the Family’s portfolio. Using a Family account an Investor can view folios that belong to other members of his family and invest on behalf of them as well. They can also create Goals for their members.

To view how to edit or modify a family click here.

Option 1 - Duplicate Finder in Data management

At the bottom of the Navigation menu, we have the Data Management menu. In that, go to the Duplicate Finder.

Here, you can choose a Duplicate parameter and view all your clients grouped by that duplicate parameter. For eg, if you checkmark PAN from the top then all clients with the same PAN will come below grouped on their PAN.

Option 2 - From Clients menu

To create a family head go to the Clients Menu. 

Search and Select the investors that need to be grouped.

On the next step, choose the option Set Family Head from the list of available dropdowns.

Now, select the Investor that will be the Family Head. Then, click on the Apply button at the top of the table on the right.

Edit Family

In the Clients menu, Click on the name of the Family Head. In the Client summary profile, click on Family members button at the bottom right.

In this screen, you can click on the Add new investor button to add a new member to an existing family.

You can hover on the actions column at the right of the table to remove a specific client from the family.