You must be aware of the changes in Capital Gains Calculation for Equity Mutual Funds and Equity Shares etc brought in the recent Budget.
At InvestWell, we have made the required updates to the Capital Gain Reports. Please note, there is no change in Capital Gains for years before 2018-19.
This new report will be automatically chosen for Capital gains for units/shares redeemed on or after 1st April 2018.
Please find attached a sample report that shows these changes.
An explaination of the sections is given below :
Short Term Gains for Equity and Debt taxation schemes
The Gain/Allowable Loss column includes ST Gain & Allowable ST Loss after reducing the Loss due to Dividend Stripping U/S 94(7), if any. The Disallowed ST Loss is shown in next column.
For Long Term Gains for Debt Taxation Schemes
The Inflation Adjusted Cost of Purchase is calculated as Actual Purchase cost x (Cost Inflation index of Year of Sell / Cost Inflation index of year of purchase)
The inflation index for 2018-19 has not been declared till now, and is being assumed as 280 (3% higher than the previous one).
This will be replaced with the actual value once available.
For Long Term Gains for Equity Taxation schemes
The Adjusted Price of Purchase is calculated as higher of :
- The actual price of purchase,
- Lesser of price as on 31 Jan 2018 or the sell price
In other words,
Adjusted Purchase price = Max { Actual Purchase price , Min { 31st NAV Jan 2018 or Highest Intraday price, Actual Sell Price} }
Adjusted Purchase Cost = Units Sold x Adjusted Purchase Price
Capital Gain is calculated as Sell Cost - Adjusted Purchase Cost
The above is explained with the following scenarios:
Scenario 1 | Scenario 2 | Scenario 3 | Scenario 4 | |
Actual cost of acquisition (Purchase on 1 Jan 2017) | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
Fair market value on 31 Jan 2018 | 200 | 200 | 50 | 200 |
Actual sale consideration (Sale on 1 Apr 2018) | 250 | 150 | 150 | 50 |
Deemed cost of acquisition | 200 | 150 | 100 | 100 |
Taxable long term capital gains / (loss) | 50 | Nil | 50 | -50 |
Note :
1 The Capital Gains report DOES NOT include schemes which have been merged with another existing scheme by action of the AMC.
2. If you sell your equity or equity oriented MF units (held for more than one year) before 31.3.2018, you can still claim tax exemption on long term capital gains from these. The new tax regime for LTCG is effective for sale transactions done after 31.03.2018.
3. LTCG on these redemptions after 31.3.2018 will remain tax exempt up to Rs 1 lakh per annum i.e. the new LTCG tax of 10% would be levied only on LTCG exceeding Rs 1 lakh in one financial year.
In case of any query, please email us at [email protected]
Team InvestWell