Investwell has the ability to push 3 types of SMS messages to a SMS vendor of your choice. 

  1. General SMS
  2. Transaction SMS
  3. Returns SMS

In the Client Master details of each client you have to enable which type of SMS he wants to receive.

You can enable this for multiple clients in one go by using the Manage Client option in SETUP menu.

Here is a list of SMS vendors that we recommend and maintain - 

  1. KIT19
  2. Pinnacle SMS

To complete Setup of SMS service with Investwell go to the Account Settings option in SMS Menu.

  1. Choose SMS Account Type
    • Transactional SMS (No Filter) - Your message will go to all your selected users
    • Promotional SMS (DND Filtered) - Your message will not go to users that have Do Not Disturbed enabled.
  2. Gateway - Choose the vendor that you have an account with.
  3. Sender Name - The name that will show as Sender Name when SMS is received by Client
  4. Sender Signature - Your signature
  5. SMS Account ID, Password and Unique Key will be given by your SMS vendor. Please enter them here.

Using the check mark option you can manually split the message into 2 if your message is above 160 characters. Some SMS vendors support more than 160 characters but some don't.

General SMS

Here you can send custom message to your clients. From the left side click on Address book if you want to send SMS to clients in Investwell.

You can also send SMS to any number not in Investwell from the right side. Enter Mobile number in the Field and press Go button.

Pressing the Address Book button opens all the Clients in Investwell. You can Mark all clients and press Ok button to select these clients. 

Now Compose the message and press Send button.

Transaction SMS

Investwell creates Transaction SMS (in our format) from the Transactions files received from RTA. You can view these SMS from the Transaction SMS option.

Choose Time period and press OK

Return SMS

These SMS are created to send the CAGR return of the client. Press Show button to create the SMS for the Last Processed Date. To get latest return go to Investor Data Mining option in MIS menu and Click on Process button.