How To Upload a Transaction File.

1.In the Menu Bar , Click on Uploads

2.Go to Daily Transaction Feed Import inside the Upload Menu.

3.Select the Registrar and browse the File , the file should be in dbf/ Excel Format.

4.Click on Load File.

5.Now go to step 2 .

6.If you don't have any scheme for mapping then go to step 3.

7..If you don't have any transaction for mapping then go to step 4.

8.Then go to step 5.

9.If you don't have any applicant for mapping then go to step 6, if you have then match the applicant with the right side applicant and click on Match with available client .

10.After searching, if no applicant found for mapping then click on create client and Match.

11.Now go to step 6 and 

  1.  press check data - 
  2. Generate Transaction - 
  3. Adjust Rejection