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As you know each investment in Mutual Funds is represented by a Folio number. InvestWell maintains a folio master called Folio Query in the menu bar.
On the Folio Query screen,
If you know the folio number, choose the Search as in Folio option and click Search.
In the search results you will find
- The Folio number
- Name of the scheme
- Applicant Name
- Pan No
- Current AUM
- Mode of holding
- Bank
- Joint name etc
When you do Search as in Client, you can type the name of the client and confirm if the software has mapped the client folio correctly.
Applicant (Folio) represents the folio name obtained from the Registrar Mailback files
Applicant (Mapped) represents the folio name created in InvestWell database.
Ideally both these columns will be identical.
Now, in case the Folios have been wrongly mapped you must Demerge. To perform Demerge -
- Mark all folios that have been wrongly mapped
- Select Demerge selected folios to applicant in the Action section
- Enter name of applicant that the Folios should be mapped to instead
Under Action section when you searching for client name in "Move selected folio(s) to this applicant" column and you cannot find the Folio name amongst the existing folios you will have to Create a new folio. To do this please choose Create Client as per Selected Folio(s) and click Create Client button on the right.

Create client is same as Demerging but demerging to a new client. When you choose this option it will create a new client as per the name given in the folio.
In the results section, the SOA button gives the Statement of Account for each folio.
Clicking on Preview gives you an exportable pdf that you can either Print or Email to whoever you want.
In case their are any transactions it will show you the Switch In, Switch Out and the Market Value if there is a current unit balance.
In the Statement of Account screen you can check mark the All option to view SOA of all schemes under this folio number. By default, SOA will be for only chosen scheme under this folio number.
Now, in the results page of the Folio Master if you double click any folio number, it will show you the entire details of the folio.
Now, in the results page of the Folio Master if you Double Click on the Scheme Name you will see the actual Transaction in a grid
Here you can see the units purchased, redeemed, balance, source of data (registrar mailback upload or manual entry), also the ARN under which this folio exists.
You may delete and re-import the entries of this particular folio if you wish by marking the checkbox against the entries and hitting Delete button.
Sometimes, you might want to see only the active folios, you may use the Suppress zero balance Folios checkbox to see this.
Set Remarks to the selected folios using the "Set Remark for selected folio(s) option". Type any Remark, example - Retirement purpose.
You may use this to give notes to a folio.
After AUM Reconciliation, we encourage you to freeze the folios so that data for the past period is not entered.
Now, if you want to enter any data before that freeze date you have to unfreeze the selected folios first.
Transmission to Folio(s) option is used to transfer the entire transaction history to a new folio so that portfolio report can be generated since creation of portfolio.
The mailback received may have created two folios of the same transaction history. You will have to transmit the old folio to the new folio.
Here, enter the name and folio number that will inherit the old folios and click SET button.
If you are doing Online Transactions, they are processed along with details of the Applicant, Joint holder 1 and Joint holder 2.
In case your database isn't updated, the folios may not match.
The name that you may have given when creating IIN code may not be same as that given when creating the folios offline. To make these folios available for online transacting you will have to -
- Mark the desired folios
- Enter the IIN number of NSE
- or the UCC number of BSE
- or CAN number of MFU
Click SET button. Now these folios will be available to you for transacting online.